The Best Way to Organize Baby Clothes for Travelling in Winter

When we become parents, our lives change dramatically. Everything that we once considered important suddenly doesn’t matter much in one day. From the job we once loved to the hobbies that used to take up all of our free time – it all becomes insignificant when you see your baby for the first time and realize how much you love them. Many parents are reluctant to leave their babies at home when they go on a road trip or other short-term trips away from home. However, with some preparation and helpful tips, travelling with your baby during winter can be fairly stress-free. Here are a few tips to help you pack for your baby in winter.

1. Get the Right Baby Girl Clothes

For a long time, most people have believed that the best girls’ clothes are made from soft, warm fabrics. This is not always the case. Wearing wool or cashmere clothing in winter is only comfortable for the coldest days when you are in a heated car or home. 

The truth is that you will be much more comfortable if your baby wears cotton clothing rather than wool or cashmere. Wool and cashmere fabrics get wet easily and lose their breathability quickly because they trap moisture well. Your baby will be much better off wearing baby girl clothes made from cotton as they breathe very well.

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2. Pack for Your Baby’s Age

If your baby is old enough to travel in a car seat and can sit up alone, then you can skip this step. If not, and your baby is still in a car seat or stroller, pack the appropriate car seat for the trip. If your baby is too young to travel alone in a car seat, pack a stroller.

3. Don’t Forget to Pack a Warm Jacket for Your Baby

Baby’s winter jacket will be the most crucial piece of clothing you must pack for baby when travelling during the winter. Too many parents forget this vital piece of clothing and end up buying a coat that is too heavy for their baby. To avoid this, pack a lightweight jacket, so your baby is comfortable when you travel.

4. Pack the Baby’s Toys

The best way to travel with your baby during winter is by packing toys for them to play with inside the car or stroller. If you want them to enjoy playing with their toys while on the road, pack their favourite plush toys. They can carry the toys around all day long or take them when going out for a stroll in the woods or by a riverbank just as they would at home. This is an excellent way of keeping them occupied while travelling and also provides hours of entertainment.


While packing a suitcase with tiny layers of clothing can be frustrating, keeping your baby warm and comfortable when travelling in the winter is essential. In addition to neutral colours and light fabrics, you should focus on keeping everything organized with this type of clothing in mind. When travelling with your baby, it’s important to have all their clothing accessible and easy to find.