10 Tips for Learning How to Snorkel Properly

10 Tips for Learning How to Snorkel Properly

Did you know that more than 54% of the US’s population don’t know how to swim? Swimming is a basic life skill. It can help prevent more than 372,000 drowning deaths annually in the world.

Swimming is not only a life skill, but also a recreational activity, therapeutic, and a source of happiness. It accords you a chance to enjoy fun activities like snorkeling.

Imagine yourself admiring the beauty of the underwater world. Sounds adventurous, right? If your snorkeling skills are not top-notch, it can turn to a scary drowning crisis.

Use this guide to learn how to snorkel properly.

1. Check Your Snorkeling Equipment

You don’t want improper ergonomics to force gallons of water down your throat. With the correct snorkeling equipment, you can easily stick your face in the water.

What makes a full set of snorkeling equipment?

Traditionally, the set had a mask, snorkel, and fins. However, the sets continue to advance. Today, a snorkeling gear set marries two pieces of gear into one.

You can use a full face snorkel gear. It allows you to enjoy a natural experience, wider range of vision and breathing without a mouthpiece.

Check your snorkel equipment to ensure they’re in good shape. You don’t want to risk your life snorkeling with uncomfortable gears.

2. Do a Test Run for Your Snorkel Equipment

Breathe in and out and stay calm. After fitting the equipment, it’s commendable to do a test run. Why?

It helps you to get used to breathing using a snorkel. You can also swim around a pool before getting the ocean experience.

If you’re testing on a beach, begin around the shallow area before getting to the deep ends of the sea. Testing and practicing allow you to get used breathing through the snorkel.

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3. Lay Flat in the Water on Your Stomach

Snorkeling is more of floating rather than swimming. The general principle of snorkeling is not to use your hands. Curious where to position your hands?

During snorkeling, it’s vital you fold your hands around your chest. If you’ve to swim, regulate your pace to breathe normally.

Caution: If you realize you’re flailing like a whale or there’s struggle breathing, then you’re doing something wrong.

4. Wear a Buoyancy Vest

If you’re a snorkeling newbie, you might find yourself using a lot of effort to float. Using a floating device saves you the stress and energy. It allows you to relax and focus your attention on breathing fully.

For safety reasons, it’s good to wear a colorful buoyancy vest.

5. Keep Your Airway Clear

Once in a while, some water may get in your tube. It’s normal. The disruptions are due to surf conditions or excessive splashing of water.

You need to be in control of the disruptions. Otherwise, it’ll ruin your moment. How do you clear your airway?

  • Breathe cautiously
  • Hold your breath and position your hands beneath the water surface
  • Position your head without lifting it out of water
  • Exhale using your mouth with a quick pace

It’s paramount to master airway control; it helps prevent drowning issues or discomfort.

6. Choose a Good Location for Snorkeling

If you’re a newbie, don’t be over ambitious with your snorkeling adventure. Don’t try out any ocean spot.

Some locations are suitable for beginners, as they have minimal disruptions. Where should you begin?

  • Avoid areas with a strong current; it can cause more frequent blocking of your airway
  • Choose calm waters
  • Begin with regions with beautiful scenery. It helps avoid the stress of wondering why people snorkel at all. It’s a source of relaxation
  • Don’t jump out of a boat for the first time; instead, go for the beach
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The point of snorkeling is enjoying the underwater scenery. Don’t make your first experience a disincentive to snorkeling. Choose an ideal location that makes snorkeling easy and fun.

7. Learn How to Dive

If your air control skills are on point, you now can explore how to dive. Diving allows you to go below the surface and enjoy the look of nifty items.

How do you dive?

Take a deep breath and swim down at a regulated pace. Control your breath; it helps clear the flooded snorkel tube.

8. Relax and Enjoy the Experience

The primary and most important tip on how to snorkel is to relax. Relaxation helps keep your focus on breathing and proper flotation.

Enjoy every bit of the snorkeling experience by focusing on the beauty of the underwater features. Snorkeling adventures aren’t limiting as it accords you the chance to even enjoy a moment with whales.

If you have a share of panic experiences, it’s important to float on your back.

9. Swimming

As suggested above, the basic idea of snorkeling is floating. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t swim.

If you would love to swim during your snorkeling adventure, it’s essential to wear fins. Why? It helps amplify your movement and allows you to move forward at a fast rate with minimal disruptions.

Position your arms at your side and learn to position your legs reasonably together. Research on more tips on how to use fins to improve your snorkeling experience.

10. Learn Basic Snorkeling Skills and Hazards

If you’re a first-timer, you should have the basics of snorkeling; it reduces the risk of injury during snorkeling.

  • Swim slowly; it saves you energy
  • Learn the different ocean conditions like currents, waves, and surge. Understanding the various ways of movement under different conditions is essential for your safety.

Learn How to Snorkel

Snorkeling is a fun way of exploring what lies below the surface. It creates unforgettable moments and makes you forget about everything else for a moment.

All you need is to learn how to snorkel properly to avoid drowning risks. If you find this article resourceful, bookmark our blog. We’ll keep you updated with everything you need when snorkeling.