Where Oh Where Is My—? 3 Undeniably Helpful Warehouse Organization Tips

Where Oh Where Is My—? 3 Undeniably Helpful Warehouse Organization Tips

If you own a business, the warehouse is the heart of your operation.

From keeping your inventory straight to packing and picking, warehouse organization is the key to ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Check out these three awesome tips that will transform your warehouse space from chaotic to completely calm and organized.

1. Assess and Organize your Inventory

Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve performed a full inventory check. If so, it’s time to get organized by doing a thorough assessment of exactly what you have on your shelves.

Keep a good record of every part number and its quantity. Then, you can determine what should stay and what should either go or be put in storage.

Once you’ve done a complete inventory check, it’s time to get everything put into its proper place. You can sort things by category, part number, or another method that works for your business.

Then, label each shelf and container so it’s easy to read. This will make things easier for your employees, too, since they’ll be able to find the items they need quickly which will increase production time.

2. Maximize Floor Space for Warehouse Organization

The layout of your warehouse can make or break day-to-day operations. If you haven’t done an evaluation on how things are laid out, now is the time.

Consider putting shelving around the walls of the warehouse, allowing more room in the center for employees, palettes, and forklifts. Use removable bins and roomy shelving that surrounds the wall.

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You can also try moveable bins with heavy duty casters that can easily be maneuvered throughout the space. This allows your employees to move freely while getting easy access to parts or products.

The bins and shelving you install will free up floor space, and you can stack items higher to give your warehouse more room in the middle. When you make things easy to identify and access, you’re improving workflow.

3. Keep Your Warehouse Maintained

A clean warehouse is an organized warehouse, so it’s important that everything stays neat and tidy. Visit your warehouse area often to ensure that your employees are keeping it clean.

Make sure the floor area stays free of debris or random parts, which can cause injury. Perform regular inspections of the workspace to ensure that everyone is following safety rules.

You should also do a reassessment every few months to determine if your new floor plan and shelving system are working. Listen to your employees and address any concerns so that everyone is working as happily and efficiently as possible.

When you keep your warehouse organization in check, everything will run more smoothly.

More Organization Means Better Production

With better labeling systems and a clear pathway of warehouse organization, this essential part of your business should run like a well-oiled machine. Keep things as organized as possible for safe, smartly-run operation.

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