Types and Benefits of a Clear Span Metal Building

Types and Benefits of a Clear Span Metal Building

If you want wide open spaces inside your building, you are going to need a clear span metal building.

Clear length construction is designed as a rigid framework that has high strength and durability. Steel is equally. The frame requires no interior supports, leading to a very versatile and economical building.

With no need for interior design or columns, it’s easy to partition off segments for various uses, readily rearrange them if desired, or just leave it as open space.

If you go inside a building built early in the 20th century, you would observe the service columns lining the area. A good architect may simply incorporate them in the design of this space, but if it came time to modernize or update the building, those columns might be whatsoever. A few of the pews are directly up or behind against a support pillar, together with inferior sight-lines and uncomfortable seating. It’s a fantastic, old, historical church but when they needed to expand to get a larger parish, the columns weren’t easy to work around and they couldn’t be moved.


Like every steel construction, clear length is cheaper compared to other building materials together with the additional benefit of moving without interior supports. But after a specific size-limit, the price does begin to increase, usually at about 150 feet wide.

Once 150 feet, the framework must become proportionally heavier to bear the larger load. More materials mean more cash. Still, in the event that you converted into stone or wood, the burden and cost would be greater. The girts will be the stabilizing horizontal beams that operate between columns. Wall panels are secured into the girts. Eave struts are similar cross beams on top of the wall underneath the edge of the roof.

Clear span – Measure the distance between the inner faces of the columns along the walls to both sides of this clear space.

Eave height – Measure between the base of the bottom location of a wall column and the surface of the eave strut.

Clear height – Measure the distance between the ground and the bottom point of the structure, normally the rafter on peak of the wall.

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Types and Benefits of a Clear Span Metal Building

Clear span metal buildings can be constructed as single span or multi-span based on the total amount of square footage of floor area you need.

Single span rigid frame

A single length rigid frame building can be built from 30 feet to 12 feet wide and from 10 feet to 24 feet high at the eave. Anything smaller than 30 feet of larger than 120 ft cannot be assembled as efficiently with this frame type.

Occasionally, a single span frame can go to approximately 200 feet for particular needs. You are able to use straight or straight columns and do not care about headroom in the exterior walls.

Single length is great for smaller buildings which require a significant roof slope and big, clear peaks at the middle.

Multi-span rigid frame

Multi-span rigid frames will also be called:

  1. Column and ray
  2. Post and ray
  3. Modular frame

Clear span metal buildings of the sort are often employed as distribution facilities, factories, and also quite huge warehouses.

Theoretically, multi-span rigid frames are infinite as to size, but you have to add expansion joints in the spans every 300 ft or so for added stability. Rafters and columns can be tapered or straight, and additional interior columns may disrupt the distance. The interior columns might be centrally located depending on the design or end-use program.

One gap from single span structure is that, due to the continuous framing, there might be uneven building movement since the earth settles underneath. It is more evident in the bigger buildings. Also, the columns, once they’re placed, are difficult to change in future updates to the building.

Types and Benefits of a Clear Span Metal Building


Together with its durability, steel confers a number of other benefits over wood, rock, or concrete construction.

● Steel can be formed into any shape and coated in any substance, including stainless steel designed to look like bricks, stone, or some other facade.

● Steel is flexible and resists dynamic forces, which makes it ideal for areas with heavy seismic activity or high winds.

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● Fabrication is performed off the job site; structure consists of bolting the frame together. A building can be erected much faster and simpler than using other substances.

● Steel frames are around 90% lighter than a comparable frame of concrete.

Steel’s lively flexibility and stability will come in handy as we see increased seismic activity throughout the country. Spots off the coasts of the Great Lakes, in addition to the east and west coasts, also see a lot of high winds, even as do the fundamental Plains in which tornadoes are increasingly more frequent.

In 2000, the steel building home Fort Worth’s favorite Reata restaurant along with BankOne headquarters were struck by an F2 tornado. Most of the glass windows were dismissed, but the frame resisted winds of 113 to 157 mph. Even though the building was finally demolished, the steel frame remained standing throughout and after the storm, saving the lives of those within.

A growing economy and population require more storage and much more amenities with open space for actions. Sports arenas are a favorite use for clear span construction as would be the extremely broad warehouses and distribution facilities of merchants such as Amazon, Target, and Walmart.

Industrial farming and ranching also favor clear span buildings. Massive numbers of animals could be put out of the weather at a flexible floor arrangement of pens. Agricultural equipment from tractors to joins are more easily moved and stored inside a transparent span building with a wide door. The same is true of municipal construction and road repair vehicles and machines.

Clear span metal buildings have become among the very popular building designs in the nation, prized for their flexibility, durability, and cost-effective structure.

Authors Note:

Carport Central is one of leading dealers of Custom Metal Buildings such as Metal Carports, Steel Garages, Barns, Utility Carports and Workshops as per you needs. You can customize any building and install it at any level surface around your home, workshop, or site.